Amalgamated Security Services (Antigua) Limited

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2021 Executive Chairman’s Regional Recognition Awards for Public Law Enforcement Speech

Good Evening,

As we embark on this virtual ASSL regional presentation and awards function, recognising service in excellence. I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to join us and for those who could not for one reason or the other I acknowledge you as part of our Amalgamated/Alternative family. I hope you continue to remain safe and committed to our organization as am I and my executive Team. I would also like to recognize those individuals who went beyond their daily scope of work in making a significant contribution towards having this event.
I would also like at this time to recognize all the efforts and sacrifices that each and every one of you has made during these very trying and difficult times and extend my appreciation to all officers and management staff including the leadership ……. Thank You and may God continue to bless you and keep you safe not only from the impact of covid but the risks that we all face daily in our line of work as crime too has its own dimension and added complications to the environment.

The second or third wave of COVID-19 has undoubtedly added even greater intricacies to an already difficult environment. As we await the re-opening of ‘normal’ business activity and as we continue to contend with the impact of Covid-19, our officers and the team leaders inclusive of managers are likely to be confronted with situations and issues that could never have been anticipated, ranging from clients requiring less of our services, officer’s refusal to return to work, to vaccination issues and the misinformation.

It is at this time that I would like to encourage everyone to be vaccinated and discard the misinformation and let common sense prevail as I have taken the vaccine with all of my family members and I can safely say it works. I as an individual have all the comorbidities and taking vaccine has not made it worse …taking the vaccine is the only way that our situation could get better so I urge you to trust me and take the vaccination and include your loved ones……
It is hoped that this virtual organized assembly by the Executive Branch adequately communicates our continued acknowledgement of the value of our regional businesses and more importantly its people who are the driving force behind each of the successes to date. One has to understand and appreciate what your leadership has a responsibility to achieve, which is to create a safe work environment for all and a secured one with Job security.
This session will recognize individual management efforts in specific fields from the various regional operations and will single out the extraordinary ones while still distinguishing the contributions made by the other team members.
I salute all the winners and runners up, thank you and I continue to look forward to greater things as we navigate these difficult times and as we chart our future …….

Business success comes from hard work, astute leadership and an unmatched devotion …. I can say that these qualities are present but we should never let our guard down as our competitors are constantly seeking out ways to harm our business success and we have the responsibility to defend it.
In closing I ask our A teams to acquire as much useful information, tools, techniques and responses on how to successfully navigate these difficult situations and create a business success story and to ensure the safe and productive resumption of our business with minimal disruptions.
To continue building our brands reputation, service in excellence to our stakeholders while continuing our expansion and foot print regionally.

Last but not the least to protect our Human Capital and serve them with distinction and with an unwavering dependability focused on building loyalty and the best organization to work for.

Closing remarks
As the ASSL virtual Regional Award comes to a close
I predict for our future added growth, further stability, better circumstances as our family grows and ages.
Thank you, God bless every one, stay safe, be vaccinated and congratulations to all the winners Good Night.

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