Amalgamated Security Services (Antigua) Limited

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2018 Executive Chairman’s Christmas Cocktail Speech and Chief Executive Officer Appointment

Good evening colleagues and members of ASSL family our retirees, and the chairman’s special Awardees and our special invited guess 
Tonight’s gathering in unique in several ways. This is a three tiered function designed to recognize 
Our retirees 
The recipients of the chairman’s awards
The inauguration of our CEO
The presentations will follow this order after which the ASSL family and its guess will enjoy the balance of the reception
So let’s start with our retirees

It is an undeniable truth that each and every one of us will have our time to part ways and this is the case for some 70 officers who have served with distinction and while some had over twenty years others had less time, it was a function of the age one enlisted . So I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you on behalf of the organization and I know you had challenges but your commitment and dedication stood the test of time and we salute you for your individual contributions and being part of the Amalgamated A team .You helped us build what you see today an organization with an unmatched reputation and an impeccable drive to deliver excellent service through our cadre of professionals while at the same time provide a safer and more secured environment for the communities we live in while simultaneously creating more secured Jobs for others wishing to be employed in our industry.

In a short while each and every one of you will be called up to stage to receive your retirement plaque and a token with a hamper. I deliberated for some time as to what could be appropriate and then it came to me what could be better than to allow our retirees to still remain connected and the Alexia device was ideal and I would allow a demonstration to be done shortly so that you could appreciate what this is about…other additional tokens was incremental based on length of service with a hamper to start you up off your retirement journey.
The journey to date saw many changes and as we continue to improve and we would not stop thinking of our retirees and how we could serve them in a way that is appropriate. In this regards our retirement program saw a preparation from as early as 55 years which was geared to getting an employee at that age to start to think about life after ASSL and how they would support themselves as no pension plan was in place although several attempts was made over the years and only recently have we started on the forced annuity but still this has not trickled down to all. But like anything else this is all part of an evolutionary process and as we end up with a more mature human capital , I am sure that this will be of greater interest to all.

Lenore will speak shortly in as quick a fashion as she could and outline what is available to you so that when you leave this gathering that you would be in the know and we are here to assist in any way to get these benefits organized for you.
In my closing remarks to the retirees I would also like to point out the opportunity that exists for all retirees which is a specially created capital fund of 25K for any person or group who has a business idea with a good ROI ratio meeting the criteria of our new business committee. Greater details will be discussed with the interested individuals.

I can also say this was much more than I had when I started. Hard work with commitment and a will to be successful is the fuel that allows common people to obtain uncommon results 
I wish you all a wonderful, joyful and rewarding future. 
I say …….Believe in yourselves! 
As for the awardees these are persons who have excelled in their individual performance for the year ending 2018 and like everything else if we don’t recognize them then as leaders we have failed in our duty .I had a difficult time this year in selecting as so many when compared were close and in some cases I had disappointments but never the less good work or excellent work must be acknowledge and this is what I am attempting to do tonight… let’s give the awardees a hearty round of applause when they are called on to the stage. As we endeavor to continue our efforts in our pursuit of excellence we must be mindful that it is like a circle which has no end.

Just a week ago we completed our STOW audit 2018 done by an independent organization and we once again scored 100 % and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who are responsible lead by teams under the leadership of Pamela and Cummings supported by our HSE department who worked tirelessly to ensure that we met all the necessary criteria’s 
Let’s ask them to come up on stage and give them a round of applause 
As I said it’s never ending and as this achievement has now been completed we are in the process of a stage two of our international audit being done by MSS Global for certification in three Standards:

  • ISO 9001:2015
  • ISO 18788:2015
  • ANSI-ASIS PSC.1-2012

These certifications have not been achieved within the Caribbean region for a security company and we are planning for us to be the first 
Finally the inauguration of our newly appointed CEO Pamela Hosein this would be the first major transition of leadership for the organization and I have had many discussions with her over the last 5 years in particular what my vision is and the attributes that I need in character and performance of the individual and while she has served for over 30 years.

A pledge has been created which will govern this new and succeeding appointments to the position of chief Executive Officer which will be read and become her canon of operation and leadership and ensure the legacy of the founders vision survives time. What I have outlined should not be confused as being a stifling of the individual’s own leadership style.

I ask you all to support Pamela in her new role as your CEO in the same loyal and dedicated fashion that I have enjoyed and that you acknowledge her pledge and hold her accountable to it in a most respectful and transparent way while maintaining your professional and ethical code of conduct.

And like all previous years I have a few words of advice to the Amalgamated Executive and Senior Management Team.
We are her to serve all our stakeholders and without team work and the right attitude climbing the success ladder would be much more difficult. We need to be much timelier an efficient in handling issues that pass over our desks and follow through is essential to guarantee satisfaction of outcome or task.

I remain your chairman and I will be available to continually guide the executive team and I will continue to operate my longstanding open door policy for all

Thank you and goodnight and May God’s blessing continue to shower us with his protection and guidance with good health always and prosperity for all …
Let me take these final moments to wish all a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years on behalf of myself, and the Aboud family 
Please enjoy the evening and have a safe return journey home

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