Amalgamated Security Services (Antigua) Limited

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2015 Executive Chairman’s Christmas Speech

Good Evening and welcome to all of ASSL Family and Special Invited Guest

It is indeed a pleasure to have you all here this evening as we celebrate this very special occasion our yearly Christmas gathering and to say thank you for your hard work for the year 2015 and to wish you and your families a merry Christmas and a happy and rewarding new year for 2016 with gods blessings, protection and grace and to thank him for once again allowing us to grow to our true potential

Like every year gone before us let us take a moment in in time to recognize those who have left us and to thank those who have retired and wish them a safe, rewarding and successful journey on their new path and to pray for those who have left us an gone to what I know to be a better place.

It is also that time of the year when I specially recognize individuals for outstanding work or achievements under the Chairman’s award portfolio. These are individuals who have come to my attention as having gone the extra mile and exhibit a work ethic worthy of being singled out. This category of recognition is available to all and in a short while I will make the presentations for this year

As in every message that I have delivered over the years I always select a theme this years it is based on two subjects the word loyalty, and customer satisfaction.

Under loyalty I want to put my own twist to the word and its use which is so very often used by us, with the hope of provoking thoughts towards aiding change

What real is loyalty?   Your feelings of support or duty towards someone or something so

  • Is it an entitlement? Or it is something that you give back  or earn
  • Should loyalty be allowed to substitute for efficiency?
  • Can loyalty destroy?
  • Can Loyalty be grey surely not but rather be black and white? You’re either loyal completely, or not loyal at all.
  • The strength of this family lies with the loyalty it can generate , like the strength of an army, it’s in the loyalty to each other and the organization
  • The whole point of loyalty was not to limit change or stick with those who stuck with you but to help you build and provide support when needed

I know some of you may be confused  at this time or that  you may not  have fully absorbed the context of  what I have presented  but when  you dialoged among  yourselves, it should come true to you ,that what I have presented  would stimulate the change that I see needed at this time in our continued  journey towards the end of the 21 century.

And as we continue to pride ourselves as the leader in our industry regionally with so many accolades recently awarded to us .This did not come as a result of building a successful business but rather building people who build the successful organization.

The second item customer satisfaction I am hoping for a rejuvenated effort towards the customer Experience which I am declaring as being our next competitive battle ground. As most of you should know the benchmark to measure success of any organization is undoubtedly “Customers”, but customers are not enough, they need to be a satisfied, loyal, repeat set of customers who would like to associate with your organization time & time again. So what makes our organization “The Chosen One” among the stiff competition that exists and is increasing day by day?

 It is going to be the combination of packaged products, services, or solutions we deliver to customers in the most efficient manner. To this end I have identified four pointers that I feel are must haves if our organization is to accomplish this initiative successfully.

– We need to have “Technology Evangelists or Experts” these are the people who should be always upgrading themselves with the best knowledge regarding the portfolios that they are currently handling.

– Our timely responsiveness to our customers needs? And the need to be proactive enough to make the first call and take down their requirements, they like to be updated on what’s happening! So we need to make sure that we are staying in touch with them. And when I speak about customers I am also talking about our internal people as well.

– Doing the Extra Mile: Now this one can be tricky at times! Our customers would always expect you to walk that extra mile to match their requirements, whether it is pricing, delivery of service or building applications/deployments and infinite other reasons. You would have to be able to make decisions which are ethical and would align the best of our organization’s & client’s interests. Remember both are important.

– Building Relationships: you have to know where your customers is and what he or she is doing. You have to be connected with them on social/professional networks? Among other methods and at the same time remembering not everyone likes to be constantly followed everywhere. You need to “Keep in Touch” with customers after you have made a sale or delivered on a service. Let them know how much you value them, because the golden rule is to make your customers happy. If we follow these four principles and adapt this battle will be won.

Enough of my ramblings ,thank you all once again and  a special  thank you goes out to those who could not be with us tonight,  including  the families ,the loved ones and  our special invited guest , who have supported and stood by our ASSL  family for  the year ending 2015 and I look forward to  your continued support into  2016 my God Bless you and  your families a Merry Christmas and a happy and  prosperous  new  year

Inclosing I would also like to thank all the persons who helped in the organization and preparation of  this event with special mention to the CSO  department ,IS department ,marketing  and  the executives well as the special ASSL  entertainers , the other  entertainment artiest ,the food preparation  and support staff

Please enjoy the rest of the evening as we have several entertainers and a lot of drinks

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