Amalgamated Security Services (Antigua) Limited

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2023 Executive Chairman’s Regional Recognition Awards Ceremony Speech

37th Annual General Meeting and Conference Association of Caribbean Commissioners Police (ACCP) Regional Recognition Awards Ceremony 

YEAR 2022-2023

Good evening and welcome to the Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police (ACCP) 37th Annual General Meeting and Conference. It is a privilege for me, Dr Michael Aboud, Executive Chairman of Amalgamated Security Services Limited (ASSL), to stand before you today as we gather to celebrate excellence in law enforcement and recognize the outstanding achievements of our dedicated police officers.

Since 2015, ASSL has proudly sponsored this prestigious award in collaboration with the ACCP, fostering a strong partnership between the private sector and law enforcement agencies. We firmly believe that the prevention of crime in the Caribbean cannot be resolved through law enforcement efforts alone. It requires the concerted involvement of key stakeholders, and that is why ASSL has made it a priority to support initiatives that enhance safety and security in our region.

The Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police has a vital mission—to be the principal regional organization for promoting and facilitating collaboration, cooperation, and the development and implementation of effective policing strategies including Partnerships with the private sector. It were these objectives which attracted us to the ACCP and its alignment with a common goal of fostering a safer Caribbean.

In line with our shared objectives, ASSL embarked on the ASSL Regional Recognition Awards Programme for Public Law Enforcement. This initiative seeks to honour and acknowledge exceptional police officers from the ACCP’s member forces, services, and departments. Each year, we recognize a total of nine outstanding individuals, three officers in each of the three categories: Top Caribbean Crime Fighter, Top Caribbean Community Policing Officer, and Top Caribbean Career Move. The winners are selected by an independent panel of judges appointed by the ACCP.

Tonight, as we gather to celebrate the accomplishments of these extraordinary individuals, we must not forget the countless men and women who serve in law enforcement day in and day out. They are the backbone of our societies, selflessly putting their lives on the line to protect our communities. Their dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment to upholding the law and ensuring our safety deserve our utmost respect and gratitude.

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the participating police forces and the ACCP for their collaboration and support. Your unwavering dedication to the cause of law enforcement has made this event possible, and it is through our collective efforts that we can create the environment necessary to improve law enforcement capabilities and enhance the safety and security of all.

To the brave men and women in uniform, I salute you. Your resilience, bravery, and tireless efforts in the face of adversity inspire us all.

You embody the true spirit of service and demonstrate what it means to be a public servant. On behalf of Amalgamated Security Services Limited and the Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police, I extend my deepest gratitude for the sacrifices you make each day.

In conclusion, I want to once again express my appreciation to all the police officers who dedicate their lives to protecting our communities. It is your hard work, commitment, and unwavering resolve that make a difference in the lives of Caribbean citizens. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, and tonight, we celebrate you.

Thank you all for joining us in this momentous occasion, and may we continue to work together to create a safer and more secure Caribbean for generations to come.  Thank You

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