Amalgamated Security Services (Antigua) Limited

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2015 Executive Chairman’s Prisoner Transport Retirement Function Speech

Good evening to our honored retirees Mr. Randolph Charles and Mr. Teddy Brathwaite and their wives ,our fraternal colleges and friends from the Prisons police , and our senior executives and directors of assl and their guess.

Tonight we gather to pay tribute to two very special and distinguished employees of ASSL more specifically two of the founding directors of the prisoner transport division from its inception 20 years in the making.

There is so much to be said about both these gentlemen, I hope I do justice in how I summarize their delivery of service to excellence while representing Amalgamated Security Prisoner Transport Division over the years and keeping to our motto and watch words justice on time and our chain link icon to keep to carry and to hold representing the police the prisons and ASSL PTD.

Everyone here tonight  would have worked alongside these gentlemen in  either of their two carries spanning over 50 years and can attest to what I am about to embark on in describing who they are and what they stand for.

For the twenty years I worked with them and I never had the cause to address any issue of ethical conduct nor question their loyalty, work ethics or even the advice that they would render, it was always sound and I could depend on them 24/7 whenever an issue was presented to us throughout this journey of success attributed to their individual commitment and devotion to their assigned tasks.

The reality of this relationship was a God send as I never had to get involved in the day to day operations and it had reached a point that I sometimes forgot that this division was in operation. This was so because of the efficient team work of both Mr.  Charles and Teddy and the knowledge and professionalism they both brought to the table.

The respect that they commanded quickly became evident in their dealings with all the stakeholders and I rapidly resigned my autocratic and microscopic management style giving them total control over the division and only provided advice and support when it was requested as both men showed their abilities  and competencies very early in the game.

I remember when we first got together and was preparing the response to the first RFP 20  years ago in Chaguanas  we spent many hours with the day before the closing  we did an all-night (Pam Charles  Teddy) so that we would have  a perfect response as we were competing  not only against local  companies  but international ones as well.

But at the end of it all we were victorious and have been so ever since .I only hope that the successors can fill these shoes. Time will tell that story.

This contract has been rewarded over the years 5 times with each spell being 4 years. It has been one of Nipdec success stories as the agent representing the state.

With many years of a successful, trouble free operation while other international providers operating outside of our jurisdiction having many problems of escapes deaths and human rights  issues we were able to steer away and maintain a clean record under the leadership of Randolph and Teddy. A record unmatched by any other service provider local or international.

Then came the Ramdanee commission of enquiry and we successfully presented our role and function.

What followed then was many more years of delivering a successful project leading to us taking over her Majesty prison in Antigua for several years where we rebuilt the institution and its staff and handed it back to the government operational sound.

Also As a division of ASSL we had many interfaces with various other prison jurisdictions to include Barbados, Dominica with others to mention a few. 

We introduced weapon handling of the semi auto pistol to the prison personnel when our officers had to hand over their weapons to the prison when we started the PTD contract.

We provided a tactical training session for the ERU of the prison then.

Under the directorship of Mr.  Charles and Teddy and the late Dr Hernandez we sponsored and piloted the inaugural formation of the Caribbean Correctional Association (CCA) at chaguaramas with all the prison commissioners from the Caribbean region and developed its constitution.

As I point out some of your achievements and tasked projects over the years it becomes quite evident that you both have added to our historical accomplishments as an organization and have guaranteed your legacy with us. I would  also want to say that not only was this done in the work environment but you both  have been able to pass on your footprints , that  DNA  of  a personality  and character trait that has helped to enriched the lives you have touched ,guided and modeled of a person something that we all strive to emulate.

Today is Randolph and Teddy’s day. Look at all the people who have come to honor you both and help us say farewell and thank you for your yeomen service.

It’s impossible to measure what Randolph and Teddy has meant to us at ASSL all these years. And I know I speak for everyone when I say this is a bittersweet moment….saying goodbye to two friends and coworkers who have meant so much. But we are all happy that Randolph and Teddy will have time to kick back, pursue new dreams and enjoy their grandchildren and  the plans that they have set for  their retirement years.

Randolph and Teddy, would you please stand so we can say thanks.

I personally will miss you, I never really allowed the thought of your need for retirement enter my plans a selfish act and I must say sorry for that.

The time flew so fast

To your wives I have this to say thank you for sharing them with us over the years and as some poets would say

  1. When you retire, you switch bosses — from the one who hired you to the one who married you….so I leave them in your  good care

So on behalf of the directors and senior staff and all our invited guest and those who could not be here tonight, I wish Randolph and Teddy all the best in their retirement

 I hope that I can still call on you for any advice that I may need in the future. I hope you both have a long and peaceful retirement with lots of rest, and plenty of time with loved ones and that you get to do everything that you have planned for in this stage of  your life’s journey.

The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off. And I have read some ware that it is not about how many years in your life but the life you lived in the years.

God I ask of you to bless both these men, keep them safe and healthy for as long as you can Amen

Thank you for your indulgence

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