Amalgamated Security Services (Antigua) Limited

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Financial Services Risk & Compliance

Decrease your exposure to risk by 50%

Without a decision engine to help evaluate the creditworthiness or reliability of potential clients, there is a greater risk of making an inaccurate decision that could lead to financial losses.

Financial Services Risk & Compliance

Make Smarter Decisions to Mitigate Risk

Decrease your exposure to risk by 50%

Without a decision engine to help evaluate the creditworthiness or reliability of potential clients, there is a greater risk of making an inaccurate decision that could lead to financial losses.

75% increase in your delinquency rate

Not using a decision engine and assigning credit based on history working with a company, or even worse, an analyst's opinion, can lead you to grant credit to the wrong customers.

Service Offerings

Audit and monitoring (quarterly or bi annual)

Background Screening

Due Diligence

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